Band Photo Weekend~Halloween Edition!

Band Photo Weekend~Halloween Edition!

Yesterday was Halloween, and it was a great day! The sky was overcast and had rained a little earlier in the day, but the gloom just accented the spookiness. We went into town to get makeup for Lucas and Randy’s costumes, then out for lunch, and then back home to start getting dressed! We were going to carve pumpkins yesterday, but since it was so gloomy and wet out, we decided to push it back to today. Last night I drank way too much, and have been hung over all day today, so we’re pushing pumpkin carving back even further. That works out fine though, because I want to get charcoal to grill the seeds before we do carve them, and this way they’ll get their own special post. 😉

Once we were ready to go, we went over to the band room to start our stream! Thank you so much to Collette B for coming to watch us play!! The support was awesome, please go give her blog some love too! 🙂 We had a ton of fun streaming! All of us being dressed up was exciting, and no one said anything bad nor rude to us at all. We had almost 50 people in there at one point I believe, which is crazy. I made some mistakes, we all did, but the atmosphere was so great none of us really even cared, we were just having a blast! Afterward we went to a local bar for a couple drinks, and to show off our costumes a little more. 🙂

Lucas dressed up as The Crow, which is a fantastic movie if you’ve never seen it! He was going to be the Joker for a long time, and then when he got up yesterday he was like, “I think I’m going to dress up as The Crow instead!” Haha. He did a FANTASTIC job on his costume and makeup! He just ripped up a long-sleeved shirt he had, wrapped electrical tape around his waist and wrists/arms, and then we got makeup from Hobby Lobby for his face. Voila! Here’s a photo of what The Crow looks like for those who don’t know, so you can see how closely he matched!

Brandon Lee in the Crow, who unfortunately was murdered on set.
Brandon Lee in the Crow, who unfortunately was murdered on set.

Randy dressed up as Jason; he bought a mask a few weeks ago, and had overalls and a black shirt already. We just got some fake blood and tattoos from Walmart, and voila! He was ready to go.

I dressed up as someone from the 80’s! I didn’t have to get anything; I actually have enough clothes to look like I stepped out of the 80’s. 🙂 I didn’t have leg warmers, but I thought I was pretty clever. I cut the toes off of some fuzzy socks I have (since I have a million pairs) and turned them into leg warmers! I don’t think anyone could even tell they weren’t leg warmers!

My makeup took me FOREVER to put on, but it was so much fun! I loved taking the time to apply it, and making it look crazy. Lucas said it really made my eyes pop too; so I might be bringing the 80’s look back. (Seriously. I might keep doing that as my gimmick on our streams) I backcombed my hair, which I have never done and was worried I wouldn’t be able to do a good job. I had a backup plan of just doing a side pony tail if that were the case, but surprisingly I’m a backcombing prodigy! It turned out great, and what’s even better, I was able to get it back out pretty easily too!

I hope everyone had a great, safe Halloween! Enjoy pictures of Lunar Tides on Halloween! 😀

I'm telling you, he looks JUST LIKE The Crow!!
I’m telling you, he looks JUST LIKE The Crow!!         
Makeup finally done! After like an hour, I kid you not.
Makeup finally done! After like an hour, I kid you not.
All done!
All done!
Me and Lucas in the band room
Me and Lucas in the band room
Randy and Lucas!
Randy and Lucas!
Lunar Tides!
Lunar Tides!
Randy drinking through a straw so he didn't have to take his mask off.
Randy drinking through a straw so he didn’t have to take his mask off. (non-alcoholic drink; he was the DD)
Hanging out at the bar after a great Twitch show!
Hanging out at the bar after a great Twitch show!
Lucas and Randy playing pool!
Lucas and Randy playing pool!
I told you Randy was playing too!
I told you Randy was playing too!

14 thoughts on “Band Photo Weekend~Halloween Edition!

  1. You’re right. He looked EXACTLY like The Crow. Great costumes! Enjoy your youth guapa!! Haha, like I’m an old fart, right? Feels like it. I don’t even remember that last time I went to a bar with my Mexican. I MUST watch your band play. The last time I tried it didn’t work.

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      1. Gracias guapa!! I’m so happy it was able to work for you this time and you could see it! Thank you so much for watching; I’m glad you enjoyed it too!! 😀 We all appreciate the support. Xx.

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    1. Thank you!! I know, it was crazy how closely he resembled him! The hair was slightly shorter, but who’s measuring? 🙂 Well my advice is to make it a mission to go out with your Mexican to a bar sometime soon, and let loose and feel young, since you are definitely not old! 😀

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  2. Hi Lydia 🙂 Thanks for linking to my blog 🙂 It was so much fun to watch the live stream of the band. It was early hours of the morning here so i watched while cosied up in bed with a plate of snacks and dips. I made an account on twitch hoping to join the interaction but didn’t find the chat button until after. Next time I’ll chat back 🙂 I couldn’t place who Lucas was dressed up as, I kept thinking Edward Scissorhands but knew it wasn’t that and of course it’s the Crow! I love the music, Lucas has an amazingly versatile voice. He and Randy sound great singing and I bet they sound even better when you get your mic and an join in. Thanks for the pointer to all the art streams on twitch too, though some of them are a bit ‘I can’t switch off I have to keep watching!’ Lol.

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    1. I know what you mean; Lucas and I are hooked on Twitch streams! If we can’t find a movie to watch we’re on Twitch instead. Haha. I’m so glad you were able to make it even though it was super early for you! 😀 Yeah, Twitch can be a bit confusing at first; I’m glad you found the chat button eventually though, I’ll look forward to being able to talk to you next time! 🙂 Lucas and Randy say thank you for the compliment! Lucas is always doubting on his voice (we’re our own worst critic!) but I’m always telling him he sounds really good. So I know hearing it from you and not just me means a lot to him. 😀 He did get a few people telling him he looked like Edward Scissorhands, which would have been another great costume! He and the Crow do look pretty similar.

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      1. I’ve had to stay off twitch a couple of days – trouble now is blogging201 Commons and getting fascinated by different themes and new blogs and learning bits and pieces of new info. So been in Commons a lot and got none of my actual assignment stuff done. Nor my poetry essay that’s now three days behind deadline – good thing it’s only a MOOC and I don’t mind not getting the certificate. With Twitch donations, is it like the subscriptions where Twitch get half? Hope you don’t mind me asking. In a way it’s good because it keeps the service going but at the same time it seems like a high percentage. You can mark me down for a pre-order of your EP whenever you all manage that step- assuming you’ll have a way of overseas fulfillment. I don’t expect you’re recording vinyl are you? Though you could be, I know some people who still adore the more traditional / obsolete industry standards 😀 Anyway, I’m about to pop over and look for signs of pumpkin seeds before going and grabbing a few from a packet in my store cupboard, much nicer roasted / grilled so I might have to do that while I cook my dinner. I hope you enjoy yours when you get to them 🙂

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      2. I know what you mean!! I signed up for Blogging201 and Writing101 and there is so much I’m learning from Blogging 201! It’s been a lot of fun messing around with headers and visiting new blogs, but it takes so much time and I can get lost on here for hours and hours!! Plus the writing assignments I’m lagging behind already on too, but since they said it can be a personal thing to help you think of ideas and not necessarily putting it on your blog I’m not as worried about that. They have been great ideas though, so I definitely will come back to them/archive them! Yes, Twitch does take a percentage and then PayPal also takes a percentage. It is kind of frustrating, but like you said I guess it keeps the service going so that’s good. I forgot what the actual percentage of it is that it takes, but it doesn’t end up being too terribly much which is nice. Thank you!! I’m so happy you’re looking forward to our EP!! Hopefully next year we’ll have it done by mid-summer or so. It’s difficult since we only have the weekends to work on it with Randy, but Lucas and I should be able to try to get our parts down during the week which might make it go a little quicker. I’ll definitely let you know. 😀 We’ll have them online to download, and then probably have CD’s too. I’m not for sure how we’ll do it, but you could definitely get the online one and I’m sure we could send you a CD too if you wanted one when we get there. 😀 We haven’t thought about doing vinyls, although that would be super awesome! I think we’d have to make sure we had enough people interested in getting one before paying to get them made. We’ll see! Mmm, that sounds delicious! I hope you enjoyed them. 🙂 I think I’ll be experimenting with cooking them this weekend; I have to wait until Friday when I get paid to get some charcoal and other necessities to help. 🙂

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      3. I was just curious about vinyl, I don’t actually have a deck myself 🙂 yup I would want the physical CD if you do one, obviously I’m daft cos then there’s shipping costs but I like to have a tangible product when it’s something special 🙂 If you were a popular band I’d probably go with the cheapest. Whenever I’ve been to a local band gig and there’s been a CD on sale at the time (or cassette in the old days) I’ve bought it, unless totally out of cash of course, but I’d go without drinks to buy the music.

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      4. Me neither, but Lucas and I have been talking about trying to get one. They’re so much fun, and there’s a little shop in a town about an hour away from us that is filled to the brim with vinyls! It would be a lot of fun to stock up. I’m with you on that; I love having the physical copy of things and would sacrifice drinks as well to be able to get one! Don’t worry about shipping; once we have them made (which will still be a ways away) I’ll make sure one gets to you!! 😀

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  3. Ohmigosh, you all look so fabulous!! Lucas really does look like the Crow!! And Lydia, your makeup was perfect, as was your hair, nice and frizzy!! Ahhh, the good old days, hehe!! I permed my hair so much back then that I’m now permanently frizzy, :D! Looks like you guys had a fabulous night!! You sure did look good!

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    1. Awh, thank you so much Paula!! We did have a ton of fun, and worked really hard on our costumes so I’m glad it paid off! 😀 Lucas came into the bathroom where I was doing my makeup when he was done and I had to do a double-take! Haha, I used to get my hair permed all the time (I’ve always had a thing for big hair; I think I was born in the wrong time!) so I know what you mean about permanently frizzing it! hehe 🙂

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