Hello, Everyone!

Hello, Everyone!

It’s been awhile since I’ve written a post, after saying that I was going to try to make more scheduled posts in 2016! Well I still will try, it just might be a little bit later than intended. I haven’t been very active on here, as you may have noticed (sorry!), but I definitely have not forgotten you wonderful people!!

I think a few factors have influenced my ghost-like appearance here on WordPress: I’ve been working a lot and then feeling lazy when I get home, I’ve been busy with Rocky and hanging out with Lucas, plus I just have been feeling kind of anxious when I think about getting on here. Not really sure why, there’s no reason for it and I really love blogging and reading all of your blogs! That’s probably the main reason though, and it really bothers me because I do love being on here, I just don’t quite know how to make myself come back to it!

I’m going to be making an appointment with the doctor to get another checkup on my Celexa and see if that needs changed at all, and then my arm keeps going numb which has been SUPER annoying and I’d like to figure out why, and my right nostril hurts! Haha, maybe too much info there, but I figured I’d fill you in. πŸ˜‰ So hopefully in a little time I will be back full-force to read through your blogs and continue blogging myself, perhaps with a schedule in mind!

I have read your comments, and I really super appreciate them, thank you! I will be trying to get back to them all in the near future. For now, I hope everyone is having a great week and things are going well! Talk to you soon. πŸ˜€

17 thoughts on “Hello, Everyone!

      1. All the better for catching the stream, thanks Lydia πŸ˜€ I would have been so disappointed if I’d missed it, given the break to record the CD – and that really is good news – I have got to make a point of sorting my paypal out, I’m just hopeless with passwords but I have just got to have the CD! I grabbed a couple of screenshots for souvenirs (I’m a bit sad like that!) – wondered if I get your permission to include them in a blogpost – I could let you preview the post first if you like? I already gave you a mention in latest posts about valentines weekend and internet friends but not linked anywhere yet… look forward to you getting back to blogging whenever you’re ready πŸ™‚ but will watch out for your twitter announcements re the vlogs and other news from you πŸ™‚ I was relieved to see you were still ok and busy with other things πŸ™‚

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      2. Awh, thank you so much Colette!! That means the world to me, I appreciate you very very much. πŸ™‚ Thank you for the mentions, I’ll definitely be checking your blog out once I’m back in the blogosphere. πŸ˜€ Absolutely, feel free to use the screen shots, I don’t mind at all and don’t need to preview it first, I trust you! πŸ™‚ It’ll still be a little while before we get it out, just a couple months so you have time to sort everything out! I’m terrible with remembering passwords and everything too so I completely understand! I think Lucas put up the first vlog last night, the link should be on Twitter I think. I hope you’re having a wonderful day!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Yay, thank you. I’ll tweet you the link when it’s done, probably around the weekend or so. I shall be sure to keep an eye on your twitter for updates too πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great week and tracking process goes well, catch you later πŸ™‚

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  1. Lydia, Having fun with Rocky and Nelson is a great way to spend time. And then there’s your music. Did you realize that I never know if I’m going to post or what I’m going to post until the spirit hits me? I don’t feel I need to post, but if something strikes me upon reading another person’s blog or if I have an experience I want to share or a question I need to ask, I sit down and write. I worry that after a while, I’ll run out of interest or of things to say, but for now, I just wait for the spirit to move me and then I pick up my lap top and talk to people. And sometimes I just express myself with a photo or two.But I don’t ever feel I have to post. That would be a prime motivation for me to stop blogging, as I don’t like requirements at this late time in my life.
    Roxie says to give Rocky and Nelson a hug and she’s trying to be patient until it’s her turn to use the computer. She even cuddled up on the bed with ZuZu this week. That’s a first! Take care and stay warm….Love, Clare


  2. Hi Lydia πŸ™‚ I’m not sure if I’m up-to-date with visiting you either – I’m definitely missing your twitch streams – as in I would love to be around to watch them and join the chat but keep missing them! A lot of us are on a go-slow before, during and after Xmas – anyway, it’s ok to just drop round here and there in your own time and none of us can really keep up with the huge number of blogs we all try and follow πŸ™‚ Chillax, take good care of yourself and have fun with Lucas and Rocky πŸ™‚ As neveradullbling says, we’ll still be here πŸ™‚

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  3. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not a chore, and you know this, πŸ˜‰ So when you’re ready to come back to it, we’ll still be here! In the meantime, you relax and enjoy! Glad things are going so well with Rocky!! πŸ˜€

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