Since it’s Been Awhile, Here’s a Celexa Update

Since it’s Been Awhile, Here’s a Celexa Update

I have now been on Celexa for exactly a month and three weeks. The first month was at 10mg, and these past three weeks has been at 20mg. I am still deciding on whether or not to make another appointment. When the doctor raised me to 20mg, he said if the anxiety didn’t get cleared up and my motivation and energy levels didn’t increase, to come back in two to three weeks. Otherwise, he would see me in three months!

The anxiety has been clearing up a lot more, I think. My energy levels and motivation aren’t really up, but there are a lot of other factors at play there, so I don’t think the Celexa is or isn’t to blame. So it’s helping a lot, and I’m not sure I’d want to up the dosage, or if upping the dosage would even be beneficial! Still deciding on whether or not to make the appointment.

Has Celexa improved my way of life? Uhm, that is a huge, loud, resounding YES. Yes, Celexa has been a life-saver. I mainly went to the doctor because I was beginning to feelΒ soΒ depressed with life and everything in general, and I knew that I was not being myself. Did I really think taking some anti-depressants would fix me? Well, I sure hoped so. But I was pretty skeptical about it too. I’m so glad I went ahead and tried, regardless if the only reason why was because it was my last resort. Life has beenΒ amazing since being on it.

Lucas and I were just talking last night, and he was saying it’s amazing what a difference it’s made in me. He said before I would walk around with a cloud over my head. He said we never talked, that I was just locked inside myself and would say I was fine and happy, but there would be no light behind my eyes.

Now, I know I was feeling like this, but didn’t know exactly how to say what I was feeling. However, I didn’t realize it was that bad, and that I wasn’t even talking with him hardly! I knew it was bad, but I’m thinking I was even worse off than I realized. I am so thankful I have someone as amazing and wonderful as Lucas to stand by me through all of this, and be able to also understand with me how far I’ve come to get over my depressive state! There are no words for how lucky and thankful I am for him.

Basically, being on Celexa has been great. It’s helping me get back to being the ‘real‘ me, and that is just wonderful! So there you have it, my Celexa update. πŸ™‚ I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start!!

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