Band Photo Weekend

Band Photo Weekend

We’ll just pretend it’s still the weekend for this one! ๐Ÿ™‚ I worked this weekend, so we didn’t have as many practices as we’d have liked to, but we did our Twitch show still which was pretty fun. For some reason it didn’t seem as great as the previous one, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

We have quite a few riffs we’re working on right now, and Lucas came up with another one over the weekend! Lucas and I got the words completely written down for “This is America”. Now we just have to tweak and tighten up that song, and it’ll be completely ready to go! It’s a somewhat satirical yet true take on America. I think next weekend we’llย spend a lot of time just practicing our newest songs.

We will also be doing a special Halloween stream this Saturday! We’re all going to dress up while we play. (I still have to think of something quick and easy for my costume!) You can watch us live at the Twitch link here, plus follow Lunar Tides on Twitter, or follow my Twitter and I’ll give you an hour heads up on when we start.

Lucas had a wonderful idea for my Band Photo Weekend posts. I think I’ll be starting it next weekend, and the plan is to give you a few pictures of a piece of equipment, and then explain what exactly we do with it and how it works! Hopefully you’ll enjoy learning more about the different components that allow us to play our awesome music for you! ๐Ÿ˜€ hehe.

And now, I’ll leave you with the final lyrics to “This is America”!

This is America

(Verse 1)

Let me tell you a tale

Of cats and vapid websites

A generation tricked by

Fear and ignorant lies


This is where we draw the line

Another idiot marking time

I know this is where you want to be

I don’t know what they teach in school

When media’s the only rule

But I know this is where you’ve got to be

This is America!

(Verse 2)

Now our story persists

Languid degenerates

In this land of the free

Monetary atrocities


Old drum head Lucas custom made
Old drum head Lucas custom made

4 thoughts on “Band Photo Weekend

    1. Thank you, Paula! ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m glad you like the idea. I was telling Lucas how you liked hearing about our band and what we do behind the scenes, and I think that’s what gave him the idea. It’ll be good for me as well; I use the equipment but some of it I don’t even know what exactly it does! Hehe. So Lucas will definitely be helping me and teaching us all. ๐Ÿ™‚

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