777 Challenge

777 Challenge


I was invited to participate in the 777 Challenge! Thank you so much Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha for inviting me! 🙂 Please go check out her 777 Challenge post, and blog! You won’t be disappointed.

The rules are super simple and are as follows:

  • I am to go to the 7th page of my Work-in-progress.
  • Find the 7th sentence on that page, and then paste the following 7 sentences into my blog post.
  • Select 7 other writers for the challenge!

This is such a fun challenge to do! I’ve decided to take my seven sentences from the Echoing Footsteps work in progress. Here they are for you to enjoy:

He seems to note my hesitation, but before he can comment, Mindy brings our lunch over. We get out plates settled, ketchup and mustard on and take the first few bites before talking again.

Tom’s the first to speak. “Thank-you again fro meeting with me. I didn’t know what your schedule would be like, but was instructed to come right away.”

“It wasn’t a problem. I must say you have me thoroughly intrigued, if I am who you think.”

What do you think? I wish I could have put more now! haha. So I’m going to cheat a little bit; I’m not sure who all of you are writing things and have enough material to do the 777 Challenge. Instead, I’m going to ask any of you who want to participate, to please feel free and do so! I am inviting you right now. 🙂

Happy Monday, everyone!

22 thoughts on “777 Challenge

    1. Thank you! I really need to start writing more on this one; I know how it’s going to end (the main points anyway) but I can’t quite figure out how to get there. Hopefully soon though. 🙂

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      1. Yes, that’s it exactly!! It’s really frustrating; I think part of my problem is not fully being able to invision the house that I’m writing about, but yet I’m not doing things to help me see it. I need to do more to help myself out. Haha

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      2. Ooh that’s a really great idea. I’ve tried writing little pieces that might be able to get worked in, but I never thought to actually write the end and continue going backward with it! That’s really brilliant, I’m going to give that a try. Thank you for suggesting it!!

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      3. That is very true! I forget that a lot, I’ve always just tried to write start to finish. I definitely need to spice it up; I think it will help me out a bunch!! I really appreciate it, thank you. 😀

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