Don’t Drink and Blog

Don’t Drink and Blog

Or do if you’d like! I got my first paycheck last night from the vet clinic (which I still love and am going to be writing a post about soon) so Lucas and I did some late night Wal*Mart shopping and picked up a few beers. I was going to make a post last night, but didn’t want to do so slightly inebriated. πŸ™‚
I might not be posting anything this weekend; we are going out of state to see Lucas’s son! Lucas was previously married and his son lives a few states away from us, so we don’t get to see him as much as we’d like. His name is Cael and he’s one of the most adorable little kids I’ve ever met!! We’re going to have our hands full and have a lot of fun this weekend. Randy’s coming too, so it’s also a Lunar Tides excursion in a way!
We’re in the car currently, so I’m making this post from my phone on the interstate! For this reason I can’t make a link because I’m not super tech savvy, but Carol nominated me for the Liebster Award!! I am super humbled and honored by this! I wanted to make a post before we left but didn’t end up having time. So I will be doing that Monday or Tuesday when we’re back home. Thank you so much Carol! πŸ™‚
Also I’ll be letting you all know how the vet clinic’s going in a post next week too! You guys have so much to look forward to. πŸ˜‰ haha. I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, I’ll try to get a short post in if I can while we’re out of town, otherwise I will be back on here next week! See you all soon. πŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Don’t Drink and Blog

    1. Thank you! I don’t think I’ll have time so it’ll be easy to take your advice! πŸ™‚ We ‘grown ups’ are pretty worn out, and I’m sure it’ll be an early morning! Bedtime pretty quickly for me.

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