A Couple of Thoughts for Today

A Couple of Thoughts for Today

Today was pretty good, I worked at the vet clinic for a few hours and it was a lot of fun; plus Lucas made spaghetti and homemade garlic bread which was super delicious! Lizzie (one of the vet clinic cats) was super friendly and playful; I had some downtime and was petting her while she circled around me and laid on my shoes so that was a lot of fun. 🙂 I helped walk all the dogs before I left which was great to see them eager to get outside for a little bit and check out what’s going on, plus do their business. (If they hadn’t decided to do that beforehand..) Basically I love this job and only wish I could have started it sooner! It has been an adjustment getting used to being up earlier than three in the afternoon, but is well worth it! Becky vs The World nominated me for the Sisterhood of World Blogging award which was so amazingly nice of her! Please go check out her blog. 🙂 I’m going to be answering those questions soon; I was going to do it tonight but am tired and need to get to bed soon, so I’ll have to wait until tomorrow. I hope everyone’s having a great week so far. I had a rough start to it, but the new job is definitely helping to brighten my spirit again and I really appreciate all of you and your support and kind comments. Thank you for being wonderful and being you! 🙂

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