Writing is Hard!

Writing is Hard!

I think writing is one of the simultaneously hardest and easiest things out there. It’s amazing how sometimes the words can flow like they’re never going to end, and other times you’re stuck on trying to remember your own name! I’ve been working on writing a book for a little over a year now. When I first started it I had just moved, wasn’t working, and we had no internet. The only TV channels were the local ones, so they weren’t much of a distraction. For those reasons, I was able to write quite a bit of it. (Well quite a bit for as much as I have right now) Now with working and let’s face it, just being lazy, I haven’t gotten much of anything written on it. I’m really in love with my whole idea, (narcissist much?) and am excited to see the end project. I’m just not quite sure how to get motivated and not distracted while writing it. I’m also a little stuck on the part I’m at. I’m not artistic at all, and I’m describing a house and “treasures” hidden within it. I can visualize a little bit of how I want it to look, but it’s hard to really see the floor plan of the house, which is what I’m wanting but not necessarily needing. Let’s just say the house is really important to the story. I don’t want to give too much away-you’ll just have to wait for when I’m done to read it! 🙂 haha. The title of it is Echoing Footsteps. Let me know what you think of the title, and any tips you may have for helping me stay on track!! I appreciate the feedback. 🙂

37 thoughts on “Writing is Hard!

    1. Exactly!! Or, you get all these wonderful ideas and can’t write them down or don’t have anything with you to write with! It can be aggravating.


  1. This may end up being a distraction in and of itself but if you limit your time it could work. Look for photos online for the house and treasures you’re wanting to describe and create a collage, then simply describe what you see. You should definitely develop a floor plan if the house is going to figure prominently in your story. I am a master procrastinator myself. Participating in NaNoWriMo in November usually helps me some. I’ve found some great resources on Pinterest for working with your characters and breaking through writer’s block.

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    1. I didn’t even think to look on Pinterest, that’s a great idea! Setting time goals is good too, that way I’ll actually want to be using it to get something done! What’s NaNoWriMo? That sounds interesting! Thank you for the ideas!! 🙂


      1. http://nanowrimo.org/ the goal is to write a 50,000 word novel (aka shitty first draft) in 30 days with lots of support from other participants, including friendly competition in the form of Word Wars and sprints. I also get interesting daily writing prompts from a website called WritersWrite.

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  2. What sometimes that helps for me when I am trying to figure out something visual like the house you describe is to give up on words altogether and go for images. I have stacks of old magazines and I flip through and rip out any detail even the slightest bit appropriate to what I’m trying to describe. So if I was trying to get a better “image” of a house, I might pull out images of actual rooms and furniture, but also a swatch of colour that fits with the “mood” of the house, or the view from a window, or a figurine that might be on a shelf (or a smashed skull, whatever!). Light on a hardwood floor. A mysterious door. If I get really ambitious, I’ll collage them all onto a poster sheet, but mostly I just shuffle them around like cards until the right words start coming. I hope this is helpful. Good luck!

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    1. That is super helpful, thank you! What a wonderful idea, especially to be able to hold it all while viewing it. I’m sure that’ll help a bunch, definitely going to be doing that! Thank you. 😀

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  3. Great title! I don’t know what you are imagining about the house but with that title, I can’t help but think there are long tiled hallways that seem to echo no matter how softly you try to walk 🙂

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    1. Thank you! It took awhile to get it down, I went through quite a lot before I settled on that. I actually have a sentence in there I wrote and really loved and it has ‘echoing footsteps’. It just seemed to fit! 🙂 Good luck with yours, I’m sure it’s going to be great!

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      1. its a good title….i love the feeling of echoing….im in the UK at present with lots of old buildings and tunnels….sound echoes so deeply and since i lived here sometimes when i was younger, the places do echo and resound in the cracks an crevices of my psyche

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      2. That’s really awesome, and you completely just said what I want to get captured within the book! How very neat. 😀 I hope you’re enjoying being back in the UK, I’d love to go visit there someday!


      3. yes seeing family and trying to keep my writing going though the travelling takes me a lot to library computers which seem limited in what I can do….todays assignment i cannot do at all here


      4. That’s always fun and refreshing! Yes, library computers are a pain. (not that I know about the UK ones, but the ones here sure are!) That’s okay though, you’ll be able to work on some ideas and then once you are able to do it you’ll know just what you want. 🙂


    1. That’s a really good idea. I always am trying to just write chronologically, but I do have the ending in mind. That would probably help a lot, thank you for the suggestion! 🙂

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      1. It is, I’ve always been trying to write but this is the first time I’m really trying to write a full novel and get it out to the world! I was thinking about what to write and kept coming back to a house and the idea just started forming. It’s about a girl who gets the will of a grandpa she didn’t know existed and he left everything for her. Then it follows her on the journey, in her perspective.


  4. I love to write but I’m a terrible writer. When I was younger I would have loved to become an author. That’s passed now but I still love to write which is why I started my blog. I always struggle with wording. How to write something to make it interesting instead of rambling. I’m working on it though! But I agree, writing is hard!

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    1. It’s never too late, and there’s no such thing as a terrible writer! It is super difficult, but ramblings can be good; you can see what points you really want to make and how you want it to sound, then fine tune and weed out the rest! I’m glad you were able to start your blog, never give up on the writing! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, I’m glad you like it! That’s great advice, I think sometimes I want so much for it to be perfect that I don’t just write and come back and delete/change what needs it. Definitely going to start doing that again though, thank you!

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